
The Mid-morning Application Idea: A simple dream recorder

 I have, for some time, been looking for a way to record my dreams in as unobtrusive a way as possible. The problem is that when I search for recorders to use on my laptop I find them either: a) too simple, b) too complex, or c) too bright, or d) cluttered.
 To this end I propose to write an application called, aptly enough, Simple Dream Recorder. Perhaps someone else already has a software project by this name - if so I'll have to come up with another name, but for now I think I'll just continue with this tag.

 I hope to document the project from conception to development to use (by my self, in this instance)... and perhaps I'll present those ideas here - or start yet another blog (like The Mad Hacker) whose end is abrupt and confusing.

 Perhaps this idea shall fade when the daylight arrives - like a nightmare... here then gone?

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